In 2009, the inception of Black Mamba Knives took place in the outskirts of Chicago. From its humble origins, our modest workshop blossomed, necessitating multiple relocations as our equipment arsenal and spatial requirements expanded. Through this evolution, we established a robust manufacturing facility, proficiently crafting hundreds of knives each month. Our journey was ignited by a passion for producing items that bring joy to users and are destined to become cherished family heirlooms.
Prior to our venture into knife craftsmanship, we had honed our skills in crafting custom motorcycles and exquisite fine jewelry. The transition to knife production was catalyzed by a realization – bikers required an everyday carry that seamlessly fit within their boots. This initial spark led us down a creative path, resulting in a diverse array of designs. Over the years, we progressively introduced numerous styles to our repertoire, branching into hunting knives, skinning tools, gut hook variants, swords, butterfly knives, Laguiole pieces, and chef’s knives. Our collection now boasts an impressive assemblage of over 200 distinct designs, each meticulously crafted to perfection.
At the core of our operation is the mastery of metallurgy. Black Mamba Knives prides itself on forging its own metals, facilitated by state-of-the-art equipment. Our forges, hammers, and lathes synergize to underpin our accomplishments. This technological prowess empowers us to undertake an expansive range of custom knife designs, with complexity serving as a testament to our proficiency. Catering to diverse needs, we have fulfilled substantial orders of 200 to 400 pieces for corporate promotions.
In recognition of our growth, we now extend the opportunity of wholesale partnerships. These collaborations encompass the option for branding knives with your company’s logo, should you so desire. Our commitment remains unwavering – to serve as a comprehensive resource for all your knife-related requisites.